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Wednesday, 15 February 2023

'People Like Gabby Are Not Important To Me or My Life. He Is a Disturbance' - Sophia Akuffo Fires || Macqathylive



 Former Chief Justice of Ghana, Sophia Akuffo says NPP’s Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko is not relevant in his party – hence, must shun his bossy attitude.
She said Gabby was not a member of the government and therefore cannot be speaking for the government.

She was responding to criticism from Gabby over her participation in the pensioner bondholders’ picket at the Ministry of Finance on Friday, February 10, 2023. 

To Gabby, the former Chief Justice erred in her move to join pensioner bondholders in their resolve to get the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, to exempt them from the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme. 

But Madame Sophia Akuffo, in her response, tagged  Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko as a less important being.


 “He [Gabby] cannot tell me what I need to do and what I do not need to do and it's as simple as that . . . you know I don’t have time for things like that because people like Gabby are not important to me or to my life, he is a disturbance and that’s all I can say about it,” she told Journalists when she joined pensioner bondholders to picket again at the Ministry of Finance on February 14, 2023.  

“With the way things are going and from what I sense, there will be a creation of two categories of bondholders. Those who refused not to participate but still want to stand by the existing bonds that they have with the government."

"My problem with the whole Debt Exchange Programme is the destruction that will come upon this nation which is being done and can last through many generations. It took a long time for Ghanaians to buy into any government securities because there was always the suspicion of the unknown and now that is being introduced in the form of the DDEP,” Sophia Akuffo lamented


 “I’m seeing it purely from a legal point of view, their contractual rights being threatened. Then I have to say something. I have to join them in solidarity. Their pain is my pain because I have retired sisters, I have retired friends, and so on and so forth,” she said on Friday.

She hoisted a placard with the inscription ‘We depend on our bond yields to pay our rent, medical bills, electricity bills and water bills.’











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