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Friday, 17 April 2020

Efia Odo Hits Hard On Government

Efia Odo has been on the nerves of people lately and this time she hits hard on government concerning some housing project which was built by their predecessors have been neglected while numerous of persons are unstable with accomodation.

She said, she's overwhelmed on the attitude of our politicians, it's beats her imagination on why houses and hospitals must be left to rut while the ordinary Ghanaian can make good use of the facility.

Lastly she noted that if our leaders can put politics aside when it comes to the development of the nation we would go far as a country.

Her post reads, “Housings and hospitals left  abandoned. Buildings that can be used to house hundreds of homeless people. Why are they not in use? It would be amazing if our leaders can put politics aside and come together for the citizens of Ghana. Our people deserve better.”

See some of the facilities below;

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